
Sunday, 28 August 2011

日本の玄米のジャンバラヤ - Japanese Jambalaya

Purloined from Cafe Blo, which is a very peculiar name. My Japanese is, well, to call it beginner's is generous. I will be using liberal use of Furigana Injector which will enable me to see how everything is pronounced in hiragana. Hiragana is one of the two Japanese syllabaries (a bit like alphabets), kanji are the "Chinese" characters used in Japanese (they are Chinese in origin, but many have changed meaning over time) and furigana are hiragana used to show how a kanji is pronounced. Wikipedia will help you here. This online reading tutor is really useful; it gives dictionary definitions for all the kanji. I only know about 25 kanji, so this is pretty near essential.

I don't know why I put mushrooms on top.
ジャンバラヤ Janbaraya Jambalaya
材料 Zairyō Ingredients
  • 玄米 Genmai brown rice 2合 ni gō 1.5 cups (one  is equal to about .75 cup, or one tenth of a mountain. I'm going for the former)
  • 野菜(なんでも)yasai (nan demo) Vegetables (anything/whatever) 300g
  • ガーリックオイル gārikkuoiru garlic oil 大さじ1oosaji 1 big spoon
  • トマトジュース(有塩) tomato jūsu (yū sho) tomato juice (savoury) 500ml
  • 水 mizu water 220ml
  • 塩 shio salt 小さじ1 kosaji 1 small spoon.
  • チリパウダー chiri paudā chilli powder 大さじ11 big spoon
  • カレー粉 karē ko curry powder 小さじ11 small spoon
  • コーン kōn sweetcorn 大さじ6(約60g)6 big spoons (yaku about 60g)
作り方:tsukurikata method
  1. 玄米は洗ってザルに上げておく。野菜をフードプロセッサーでガーする。genmai-o aratte zaru-ni agete oku. yasai-o fūdopurosessā-de gā suru. Wash the brown rice in a sieve. Whizz up the vegetables in a food processor. I don't know what agete oku means, but I think it could be translated as well or thoroughly in this context. Gā suru is confusing, it seems to mean guard, but this does not make sense to me. It's written in katakana, which is used for foreign words and onomatopoeia, so I think it means make the food processor go gaa, which might be another way of saying use it. The first reference I found on teh Googels was in reference to a dryer going gā gā gā, so I think it's some kind of "machine in use" noise. 
  2. 圧力鍋にガーリックオイルを熱し、下準備した野菜をサッと炒め、洗った玄米と●を加えてよく混ぜる。atsuryoku nabe-ni gārikkuoiru-o nesshi, shinbo junbi shita yasai-o satto itame, aratta genmai-de-o kuwate yoku mazeru. In a pressure cooker, heat the garlic oil, gently cook the prepared vegetables, add the rice into it and stir well. 
  3. ふたをして強火にかけ、圧力がかかったら弱火にして、25分加圧する。火を止めて20分蒸らす。ふたを開けよく混ぜる。Futa-o shite tsuyobi-ni gake, atseryoka-ga kakatta ra  yowabi-ni shite, nichi-jū fun assuru. hi-o tomede nichi-jū fun murasu. Futa-oh ake yoku mazeru. Cover and put on a high heat, pressurise and put on a lower heat. Keep pressurised for 25 minutes. Turn off the heat and steam for 20 minutes. Open the cover and stir well. Kakatta is just a word I don't know. It seems to mean something like took, but ra makes it plural I think. Or not. I don't know. Unless it mean now add all the rest of the ingredients I don't think it matters too much.
以上です! ijyō desu! That's it!

Culinary Notes
I would add the spices to the oil when cooking the vegetables.
I imagine the tomato juice goes in just after the rice, and gets stirred in and the corn goes in with the vegetables. They are in the ingredients list, but not the method.
My vegetables of choice were marrow and celery.
Being English, I have three things that could be called curry powder, and my chilli powder is nothing but chillies, so a big spoonful would knock me dead. I settled for a teaspoon each of garam masala, madras, cayenne pepper, paprika and half a teaspoon each of chilli and cumin.
Salty garlic paste and oil substituted the garlic oil and salt (obviously).
I don't have a pressure cooker, so it's all just going in a big pan.
Partway through cooking, I found it very sharp and acidic, so I added half a cup of mushroom stock.

End results: I thought it was bland, Ollie thought it was too spicy. You win some, you loose some.

Linguistic Notes
  • Gārikku oiru? Karē pauda? Kōn? Fūdopurosessā? Come on Japan! That's not even trying! It's like they've outsourced their new words division to the English-speaking world.
  • Sutto looks like a borrowing of subtle, which is strange, again. 
  • I asked, and ガー mean vzzzhhh or whatever noise a food processor makes. Whizz is probably a good translation.
  • よく means both well and often.
  • I don't know whether this is in note form or not, but there seem to be few ands and thens. Japanese verbs are something I have only a vague awareness of, so they might give some information as to the sequence of events. Or maybe they just aren't used as often as in English.

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